Rob Brydon to star in Grand Theatre show in aid of Treat Trust Wales

Written by on 14th March 2013. Posted in News

COMEDY star Rob Brydon will put a Swansea charity in the spotlight when he stages a special performance in the city's Grand Theatre next month.

Melanie Davies of TREAT Trust with patron, Rob Brydon

The Baglan funnyman is patron of Treat Trust Wales, which aims to develop a multi-million-pound therapy centre in the grounds of Morriston Hospital.

Tickets go on sale this week for the one-night-only An Evening with Rob Brydon on Monday, April 22, including a limited number of VIP packages that are sure to be in hot demand.

Rob explained that the idea came from a conversation he had with Treat founder Melanie Davies a few years ago while he was in Swansea during a book tour.

"We decided to put an evening on, with the proceeds going to Treat," he said.

"It has taken a time to find a date, but it's in the diary now and I am looking forward to it.

"Treat is such a good cause. That's why I became a patron, because I wanted to support it."

The evening promises to feature comedy musings, readings from Rob's best-selling autobiography Small Man In A Book and the odd musical interlude.

"It will be a friendly, funny evening but people shouldn't come to it expecting a stand-up show," he said.

"It will be more intimate than that — by which I mean I'll be naked!"

Treat is spearheaded by Melanie Davies, who broke her back in a Port Talbot motorbike accident more than 30 years ago, and her retired surgeon husband Mike.

Later in life Melanie had breast cancer and it was while recovering that she came up with the idea for Treat, which aims to offer rehabilitation for people from all walks of life.

Its president is Port Talbot singing star Paul Potts, while joining Rob on the patrons' list are Michael Sheen, Kev Jones and Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson, to name but a few.

Melanie, who now lives with Mike near Pontardawe, said: "We are absolutely thrilled Rob is doing this for us.

"It's fantastic that we have high-profile patrons who will do this sort of thing for us.

"With this show, Rob is really putting Treat Trust Wales in the spotlight."

Article from

Treat Trust Wales founder’s true-life story could be heading for the big screen

Written by on 7th February 2013. Posted in News

A TRUE romance that could have been dreamt up by a Hollywood scriptwriter may now be heading for the silver screen.


Melanie Davies, founder of Swansea- based charity Treat Trust Wales, broke her back more than 30 years ago while she was a teenager growing up in Port Talbot.

The surgeon who had to give her the devastating news that she would never walk again was Mike Davies — who Melanie would go on to marry later in life.

It was just one chapter in a remarkable story that saw Melanie Bowen, as she was before marriage, survive a serious car crash and not just one but two encounters with breast cancer.

Her first bout with cancer inspired Melanie, now aged 48, to form Treat, which aspires to build an £18 million rehabilitation centre in the grounds of Morriston Hospital.

Treat has Paul Potts as president, with patrons including former president Michael Sheen, Rob Brydon, Kev Johns, paralympics legend Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson and former rugby star Gwyn Jones.

Now another name has been added to the list of patrons — Bennett Arron, an award-winning writer, actor and stand-up comedian described as the only Jewish/Welsh comedian on the comedy circuit. He has supported Ricky Gervais on some of his tour dates, has been on numerous TV and radio shows and appeared in the film Dead Long Enough alongside Michael Sheen.

Bennett now has his sights set on making a film of Melanie's life after reading her best-selling autobiography, Never Say Die. "I knew Melanie in school," he recalled. "She had to leave Glan Afan after her accident and I saw her briefly a couple of times but we didn't really stay in contact.

"I met up with Mel recently when I was in Port Talbot for a mutual friend's funeral, the first time I'd seen her in 30 years.

"She gave me a copy of her book. I took it home and started reading it that night, finishing it three or four days later.

"I sent her a text saying I'd been looking for something to direct for years, and this was something I wanted to write and direct."

Bennett is now working on a proposal for the movie and then will start searching for a producer. "It would be lovely to shoot something in Wales," he said. "As a story it has everything — it has humour, it has tragedy, it has a love story. I think it would be a fantastic film."

Melanie, who lives with Mike near Pontardawe, said she was thrilled Bennett was on board as patron.

"When he told me he wanted to make a film of my life story I was stunned but elated," she said. "It was a dream of mine to see it turned into a film but I never really thought anyone would do it.

"If it happens it will really spread the Treat message."

Charity champ Mel Davies nominated for Evening Post Pride Awards

Written by on 15th January 2013. Posted in News

Due to her outstanding commitment and dedication to Treat Trust Wales, Mel has been nominated in the charity champion category for the Evening Post's Pride Awards.


Read full article here:

Bennett Arron becomes patron of TREAT Trust Wales

Written by on 15th January 2013. Posted in News

Bennett Arron becomes patron for TREATTREAT Trust Wales are pleased to announce the addition of another patron to support our cause – Bennett Arron.


Bennett Arron is an award-winning writer, actor and stand-up comedian and is the only Jewish/Welsh comedian on the Comedy Circuit. He recently supported Ricky Gervais on some of his tour dates.

Bennett recently presented the documentary The Kosher Comedian for the BBC. He has performed on Loose Ends, Not Tonight With John Sergeant, Glee Time (in which he hosted a series of six stand-up comedy shows), Large (a satirical sketch show for the BBC), Never Write Off The Germans (a panel game show for Radio 2) three series of What's The Story (a panel game show for BBC Wales) and he was a Presenter on Big Brother's Little Brother. Bennett is also a trained actor and appeared in the film Dead Long Enough alongside Michael Sheen.

He has written for many comedy programmes, including Hit The Road Jack and the BAFTA winning V Graham Norton. He also wrote over 20 episodes and a feature film of Genie in The House, the highest-rated children's sitcom on Nickelodeon and episodes of the BAFTA winning Slammer for the BBC.

Bennett directed and presented the documentary How To Steal an Identity for Channel 4; which was "Pick of the Day" in The Guardian and The Telegraph, described as “Fascinating and Disturbing” by the TV Times. Bennett was short-listed for a BAFTA. As a result of this, Bennett has become a much sought-after speaker on the subject of Identity Theft and has spoken at events throughout the UK as well as Italy, Poland and Australia. (Click herefor more information on this and Testimonials). 

Bennett is a past winner of both the TAPS Comedy Writer of the Year Award and the BBC Wales New Writer's Award. However,
his proudest moment was coming third in an International Disco Dancing Championship in Tenerife.

New president for TREAT Trust Wales

Written by on 6th December 2012. Posted in News

We are delighted to announce that Paul Potts has accepted the invitation to become President of TREAT Trust Wales.

Paul Potts is TREAT Trust Wales' new president

The Britain’s Got Talent winner is already a Patron of Treat Trust Wales but is now its figurehead following the decision of Hollywood star Michael Sheen to stand down.

Michael's decision to stand down was because he didn’t feel he was able to give the role the time and commitment it deserved.

He was TREAT’s President for six years but he is extremely busy with work and other commitments, and of course now lives in Los Angeles.

Paul Potts became a TREAT patron in 2009, immediately contributing to the charity almost £50,000, his fee for performing at a concert for the Swiss Open tennis championship.

He is a fantastic ambassador for TREAT, getting involved in a very hands-on way.

When he became Patron he said he didn’t just want to be a name on a letterhead, and he really has committed to it.


Written by on 28th November 2012. Posted in News

REPRESENTATIVES of TREAT Trust Wales met with Lesley Griffiths, Minister for Health & Social Services at Morriston Hospital recently. The meeting was facilitated by Paul Stauber, Director of Planning at Morriston and the TREAT delegation included Melanie and Mike Davies – TREAT’s founders – and Morriston Consultant spinal surgeon Iona Collins.


TREAT gave the Minister an overview of their project to date and then explained how they intend to realise their vision with an injection of new fund raising ideas and new project team members.

Melanie Davies who is paraplegic as a result of a motorcycle accident at the age of 15, presented Ms Griffiths with a copy of her book “Never Say Die”, which the Minister said she was looking forward to read as it was “an inspiration to all”. Ms Griffiths said that she was interested to hear about the support TREAT’s proposed facility would give to the NHS in Wales and about the Davies’ commitment to TREAT Trust Wales for the provision of a pioneering centre delivering these services.

Iona Collins’s message to the Minister was clear – “There are excellent rehabilitation facilities for military personnel after their acute phases of treatment” she said. “For the NHS and the public at large there are none. TREAT aims to redress this balance”.

“Ms Griffiths was undoubtedly impressed by our presentation and promised to watch the project closely as it develops further” Mike Davies TREATs Chairman was happy to announce.

The Minister for Health and Social Services, Lesley Griffiths said:

“It was inspiring to meet Melanie and members of the TREAT Trust Wales team. Their vision to improve the lives of people who need rehabilitation after life-changing injuries will be realised measure for measure with their enthusiasm and drive to succeed

 “I will chart the progress of this ambitious project with interest and wish them the best of luck in this incredibly worthwhile venture.”

Why top ref’s happy to help

Written by on 15th November 2012. Posted in News

International rugby referee Nigel Owens has become the latest big name to back a Swansea-based charity.

SWEP Friday, 26th october 2012

He joins a list of celebrities supporting TREAT Trust Wales, which aims to build an £18 million rehabilitation centre in the grounds of Morriston Hospital.

TREAT founder Melanie Davies, who lives near Pontardawe with husband Mike, said: "I'm an enormous fan of Nigel's. I'm a rugby nut and he's my favourite referee. I had wanted to approach him for a while. Unfortunately I didn't know how. In the end I managed to get his number. Mike phoned him, explained what we were trying to achieve, and Nigel said he would like to meet us.

"We had that meeting and Nigel said he would be honoured to be a patron. He's really lovely and we're thrilled to have him on board. He's a sports star with a difference. When he travels internationally he will be able to spread the word about TREAT from the sports injury side of things and also from a human perspective."

Melanie, who broke her back in a motorcycle accident at the age of 15 and recounted her remarkable story in her autobiography, Never Say Die, said: "I'm reading Nigel's book, Half Time, and it's really inspirational. It's in a similar vein to Never Say Die, in that it;s about people getting over things and making a success of their lives."

Nigel, who famously came out as gay in 2007, joins the likes of Michael Sheen, Paul Potts, Rob Brydon and Kev Johns as a a TREAT supporter.

"I always try to help out with good causes," he said. "With TREAT, the issues aren't as commonly known as a lot of the others and it's something local as well."

He said he had witnessed a lost of injuries, minor and otherwise.

"Some people ave to learn how to walk again, or will not be able to walk again," he said. "It must be really difficult for them and it;s important they have somewhere to go and feel part of it all."

SOURCE: South Wales Evening Post, Friday, October 26th, 2012.

Paul Potts carried ‘Never Say Die’ for inspiration

Written by on 1st November 2012. Posted in News

On a recent visit to the set of the movie of his life, Paul Potts revealed that he carries a copy of TREAT Trust Wales' founder, Melanie's, book with him for inspiration.

Paul carries Never Say Die for Inspiration, article from Western Mail The following extracts appeared in two articles from local press, the South Wales Evening Post and the Western Mail.

"When Potts called in on the One Chance set to chat to James Corden, who is playing him, the singer was carrying a book.

It was a copy of Never Say Die, the life story of Port Talbot girl Melanie Davies.

Mel was injured so badly in a motorcycle accident as a teenager she nearly died. But she survived and despite being confined to a wheelchair her cheerful disposition and positive attitude made her a real inspiration."

From The Western Mail, 30th October 2012.

"We all like getting lost in a good book, but singing star Paul Potts has revealed he carries one around for inspiration.

He's a patron of TREAT Trust Wales, a charity dreamt up by Mel Davies, formerly of Paul's adopted town of Port Talbot but now living near Pontardawe with husband, Mike….

Paul said: "I carry the book with me for inspiration."

Mel said: "Paul Potts epitomises the perfect charity patron. At every given opportunity he mentioned TREAT Trust Wales and our aspirations and always speaks eloquently accompanied by enormous enthusiasm. When he told me that he carried my autobiography Never Say Die with him for inspiration I was moved beyond words.

But when he said Never Say Die accompanied him on the set of One Chance, I was lost for words and that's unusual!" "

From The South Wales Evening Post, 30th October 2012.

Book is source of inspiration for star, article from South Wales Evening Post

Kev Johns in Strictly Swansea

Written by on 27th September 2012. Posted in News

On Sunday, 7th October 2012, our lovely patron, Kev Johns, is dancing with Rebekah Silk at Strictly Swansea – for TREAT Trust Wales!

The 'dance off' takes place in Oceana, Swansea. Tickets are on sale now, available from Amber Demirhisar on 01792 514217.

NFU Mutual Golf Day on 4th October 2012

Written by on 27th September 2012. Posted in News

On October 4th 2012, NFU Mutual Insurance is holding a golf day at Machynys Golf Club with all proceeds donated to TREAT Trust Wales.

From all of us at TREAT Trust Wales we thank you and hope the weather stays dry for you.

If you are interested in holding an event to support TREAT Trust Wales, please do get in touch and we will do what we can to help.

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